Application of ALS data for estimation of selected vegetation parameters in the opencast mining area – advantages and limitations

Maciej Nowak
ORCID: 0000-0003-0005-196X
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań
Faculty of Biology


This paper discusses the possible use of airborne laser scanning (ALS) data in the opencast limestone mine to obtain information about the vegetation cover including its height parameters. Due to the necessity of obtaining a detailed spatial data set, including the vegetation parameters for the project: "Supporting Plan for Biodiversity in the Kujawy Mining in Bielawy Lafarge Cement SA” it has been recognized that the ALS data from the ISOK project characterized by the high localisation and altitude accuracy may be the optimum source of information. SAGA GIS and ArcGIS software tools were used to process the digital elevation data. However, the analysis of raster elevation models for vegetation showed that they are burdened with errors. It was noted that the distribution of vegetation is not consistent with the observed situation in the field. In the active part of the excavation the ALS data showed significant presence of vegetation. In addition, the parameter of altitude vegetation on trhe normalized digital surface model gained negative values in many places. Considering the detected the detailed verification of ALS data was performed. As a result, it was found that the error surfaces are characteristic only to the excavation area. The point cloud classification errors and the negative height values for vegetation cells on the elevation model were found almost exclusively on the slopes of the excavation and earth-rock embankments situated along the technological roads in the open-pit. The result indicates the need for the quality control of ALS data before they are used.

Received 17.02.2017 Accepted 26.06.2018 Published 16.08.2018


vegetation monitoring; LiDAR; classification errors; limestone mine

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