Comparison of selected methods of spatial accessibility analysis on the example of public amenities in Toruń

Jan Burdziej
ORCID: 0000-0001-6740-0525
Nicolaus Copernicus University
Faculty of Earth Sciences
Department of Geomatics and Cartography


Ensuring adequate spatial accessibility to primary services and its assessment are becoming increasingly important challenges for modern cities and regions. Appropriate methods for comprehensive accessibility assessment, tools for simulation and modelling, as well as systems that allow local authorities and residents to use their knowledge to make informed spatial decisions (e.g. location-based decisions or spatial development policies) are essential.
This paper aims to evaluate selected methods of spatial accessibility analysis and their impact on calculated travel times. The results obtained from the isochrone map and the hexagonal sampling grid method were compared. Both methods were applied for the analysis of spatial accessibility to selected public amenities in Toruń.

Received 22.08.2017 Accepted 3.07.2018 Published 16.08.2018


spatial accessibility; network analysis; isochrones; hexagonal sampling grid

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