The oldest geodetic networks in Poland - triangulation network in the area of the Old-Polish Industrial Region

Piotr Banasik
ORCID: 0000-0002-3604-4019
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Cartography

Kazimierz Bujakowski
ORCID: 0000-0001-8905-1389
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geodesy and Cartography


Historical evidence of former surveyors' activities are becoming the subject of interest of both historians and a group of practitioners. A spectacular expression of recognition of importance of geodetic works was the inclusion of the Struve's chain established in the 19th century, mainly to determine the parameters of the Earth's ellipsoid, on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2005. The objective of this paper is to present the first geodetic control network covering a large area of Poland, established by the Polish administration. Basing on available sources, the characteristics of: astronomical measurements, angle measurements, baseline length measurements, calculations, stabilization rules and signaling of survey markers is presented. It is mainly based on information and data contained in one of the first Polish surveying instructions “Binding regulations in the process of measurements of governmental possessions and forests, including those under the care of the government” issued in 1843.
On the basis of information available in the instruction, coordinates of 15 points of the triangulation network of the Staropolski Industrial Region (SOP) were determined. Analysis of the SOP system and transformation of coordinates to the contemporary national reference system showed that the locations of five points have not significantly changed for 190 years. Probably in case of two points "Bodzentyn-kościół" (Kielce district) and "Gmigów" (Szydłowiec district), the place of stabilization of the surveying marker is the one chosen in the past. These are examples of the oldest geodetic points established in Poland by Polish surveyors on the request of Polish authorities. Scientific and technical thought related to the establishment of the SOP triangulation network is a part of the Polish scientific and technical heritage, and the oldest geodetic points are its material evidence.

Received 25.04.2018 Accepted 5.06.2018 Published 16.08.2018


oldest triangulation networks; identification of network points

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