Automation of the spatial data generalization process as implementation of provisions of the INSPIRE directive

Karolina Sielicka
ORCID: 0000-0003-2330-2426
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies

Izabela Karsznia
ORCID: 0000-0001-5510-8770
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies


The paper presents the assumptions for the development of the Spatial Information Infrastructure in Europe and at the national level. It describes organization and regulations regarding infrastructure. The authors indicate automatic data generalization as a tool that can be widely used in the Spatial Information Infrastructure and brings a number of benefits. In the paper the generalization process was characterized and its basic assumptions were presented.
Three main areas of application of generalization were mentioned:
• transformation of databases to the specific detail level, to harmonize data,
• creation of databases and maps updates across a wide range of scales, based on one large-scale source database,
• selection of objects for cartographic visualization of spatial data.
An example of successful use of generalization in order to obtain spatial data at small scales are EuroGeographic products. Automatic processes leading to expected results give hope for wider use of generalization supporting improvements of the development of spatial information.

Received 31.12.2017 Accepted 3.04.2018 Published 15.05.2018


spatial data generalization; INSPIRE; spatial information infrastructure

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