Evaluation of geometry resolution in the digital landscape model

Bartłomiej Bielawski
ORCID: 0000-0002-9904-5916
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography


This article presents the results of the author's research both in the methodology of the Geometry Resolution assessment and attempts to use the postulated methods to evaluate actual data sets. At the beginning, the author introduces issues related to the currently used method of assessing the resolution of data sets, dataset series or services. Further in the paper, the author presents the assumptions of the adopted methodology, introduces and defines four types of Geometry Resolution characterizing various aspects of spatial geometry: Coordinate Resolution, Maximum Geometry Resolution, Actual Geometry Resolution and Nominal Geometry Resolution. In the last part of the paper, the author attempts to evaluate the postulated resolutions on the example of real data sets. Obtained results of the Geometry Resolution assessment may be an alternative to the currently used method of describing the resolution of data sets, dataset series – known as the scale denominator.

Received 4.01.2018 Accepted 9.04.2018 Published 15.05.2018


spatial resolution; digital landscape model (DLM); conceptual resolution; scale denominator

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