The third dimension on the map of geographical areas – the concept of a tactile map in 3D printing

Jakub Wabiński
ORCID: 0000-0002-9995-1329
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Albina Mościcka
ORCID: 0000-0003-4673-3720
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


The main purpose of this paper is to propose a methodology that would allow to create tactile maps using an incremental manufacturing technique, also called 3D printing. Research works performed in the past concerned the use of incremental techniques to create simple mock-up models that were not cartographic products. The paper presents a procedure for developing a physical tactile map sheet using the FDM 3D printing method, based on open vector data available on the Internet. A methodology of transformation of a flat vector map into a spatial, ready-to-print form, was presented. Conclusions drawn from the implementation of the proposed methodology prove that 3D printing can be successfully used to produce tactile maps. It is a very suitable solution for prototyping and making small batches of cartographic works, which provide useful scientific aids in the education of children and young people. Moreover, the use of 3D printing results in reduction of costs, comparing to techniques applied in the past.

Received 21.07.2017 Accepted 9.10.2017 Published 30.12.2017


tactile map; map for blind people; 3D modelling; 3D printing; education; perception of space

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