Application of triangulation for cartographic visualisation and change analysis of spatio-temporal data

Norbert Kurpiel
ORCID: 0000-0002-3067-5768
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


Visualisations of spatio-temporal data are mainly based on appropriately selected cartographic methods. Two main approaches to this problem exist: the use of animation or a sequence of images or simultaneous display of layers presenting the state of the objects in given time steps. In the second group of methods (for example Space Time Cube), the spatial characteristics of objects are presented in two dimensions and the third dimension is time. This group of methods is more suitable for detailed analysis. In this paper the use of triangulation for visualisation and analysis of spatio-temporal changes is presented. The presented method is based on combination of the modified Space Time Cube method and triangulation. The advantage of this method is the possibility to adapt the classic spatial analysis for the description of changes during determination of the geometry of spatial objects.

Received 4.12.2016 Accepted 15.07.2017 Published 30.09.2017


GIS; cartographic visualization; spatio-temporal data; Space Time Cube

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