Selected geospatial information issues in Poland

Jerzy Gaździcki
ORCID: 0000-0003-3339-9575
Polish Association for Spatial Information


In Poland, considering the gained experiences related to development of the spatial information infrastructure (SII) it is proposed to:
• enhance and improve coordination at the governmental level,
• increase the role and contribution of local governments by combining regional and local initiatives within the idea of the multi-level system of spatial information infrastructures,
• modernise education activities at universities and secondary schools, in particular in the field of geodesy and cartography.
Coordination of SII is a complex and highly specialised task. As a result of novelty of the SII act this task was assigned to the Minister of Digital Affairs as a new one. Therefore it is considered reasonable to subordinate the General Surveyor of Poland to the same minister; together with the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography, highly experienced in this field, he would be able to provide required support.
Local government units submit many initiatives in the field of geospatial information, which result from their real needs and should be highly supported by governmental bodies. It is also necessary to develop cooperation of those units leading to development of rules, model solutions and recommended tools for creation of regional and local government infrastructures within a hierarchical, multi-level infrastructural system.
Some anomalies may be noticed in education of specialists, especially in the field of geodesy and cartography; those anomalies concern:
• the excessive number of educated specialists, which highly exceeds the real needs of employers and the possibilities to get jobs according to possessed qualifications,
• the excessive number of universities and secondary schools which educate in this field; it results in dispersion of specialists and funds and in decreasing the quality of education.
In connection with the above it is proposed that recovery actions are undertaken by interested government bodies, universities and non-governmental organisations.

Received 30.06.2017 Accepted 15.07.2017 Published 30.09.2017


geospatial information; INSPIRE; geospatial information management

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