Determination of socioeconomic features of a society influencing the involvement in VGI creation in Poland

Sylwia Marczak
ORCID: 0000-0002-7715-6009
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems


In recent years, the creation of volunteered geographic information (VGI) by Internet users, who are not professionals in this area is becoming increasingly popular. There is also a growing number of initiatives based on the data collected on the basis of crowdsourcing. This contributes to increase of the public awareness of geospatial data. The aim of the paper was to examine what features of society affect the involvement of citizens in creating VGI in Poland. To achieve this objective, data from the OpenStreetMap project and society data obtained from the Central Statistical Office (this included level of education, monthly salary, the feminisation rate) were used. The first stage was to determine the degree of correlation between the data describing the society, and the OpenStreetMap data divided into districts. Then, for the most correlated variables multiple regression and geographically weighted regression (GWR) models were arranged, which allowed the determination of the characteristics of a society that had a significant effect on the acquisition of VGI in Poland.

Received 22.11.2016 Accepted 7.03.2017 Published 30.06.2017


OpenStreetMap; społecznościowe dane przestrzenne; korelacja, regresja liniowa wieloraka; regresja ważona geograficznie

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