Context-dependent buildings generalisation based on mathematical morphology operations

Marta Leszczuk
ORCID: 0000-0002-5617-0805
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Izabela Karsznia
ORCID: 0000-0001-5510-8770
University of Warsaw
Faculty of Geography and Regional Studies
Department of Geoinformatics, Cartography and Remote Sensing


The goal of this paper was an attempt to formalize and implement the principles of settlements and a road network generalization from a 1:10 000 source map to 1:50 000 scale, in accordance with appropriate legal regulations. Implementation of the cartographic knowledge base was carried out with QGIS by expanding its functionality through a plug-in which implements mathematical morphology operations and some existing generalization algorithms with further modifications. For several operations Esri ArcGIS software was also used. The proposed methodology of implementing the generalisation principles assumes a semi-automatic mode, in order to enable the cartographer to control the entire process. Based on the reported attempts, it can be concluded that the automation of required cartographic rules in QGIS software is not fully possible. Furthermore, the automation of generalisation process is very time-consuming and inefficient. Thus, manual intervention is still necessary. However, the obtained results of map generalisation are in most cases acceptable.

Received 17.10.2016 Accepted 21.02.2017 Published 30.06.2017


cartographic generalisation; mathematical morphology; settlements; topographic database

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