Geospatial information in Poland: development and new challenges

Jerzy Gaździcki
ORCID: 0003-3339-9575
Polish Association for Spatial Information


The paper presents short description of development of geospatial information in Poland in the years 2007-2016, i.e. within the decade after the approval of the INSPIRE Directive which established the infrastructure of spatial information in Europe. This development has been mainly influenced by three factors:
• entering into force the act on the infrastructure of spatial information (the act on ISI), being the skilful transposition of the INSPIRE Directive into the Polish law which generated conditions for coordinated co-operation between sectors,
• acquisition of multi-million funds from the EU for implementation of governmental and local governmental programmes related to spatial information,
• dynamic development and popularisation of technologies which could be applied for acquisition, processing and use of geospatial data.
After consideration of many aspects of the discussed progress it may be stated that achievements in the field of geospatial information from the past decade should be positively evaluated, being the strong foundations for further development in Poland. However, appearing threats should be also considered. Legal, organisational and personal changes introduced in the second half of 2016 create new challenges that include: reconversion of efficient co-ordination, effective prevention against disintegration and assuring the continuity of development.

Received 6.02.2017 Accepted 12.02.2017 Published 30.06.2017


geospatial information; INSPIRE; geospatial information management

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