Availability analysis of the Old Town tourist route in Koszalin for people with physical disabilities

Zofia Szczepaniak-Kołtun
ORCID: 0000-0002-3761-8838
Koszalin University of Technology
Faculty of Civil Engineering, Environmental and Geodetic Sciences
Department of Geoinformatics


The universality of the internet aids the development of data which contain spatial information. This is the reason why map services are so popular. These are often complex systems containing a wide range of information (often also have function to create own analysis). However, among many available geographical services, containing various data and intended for different users, there are very few services with geographical information for the disabled. Moreover, the existing data are often incomplete.
This paper points out two important issues. First of all it is important to make community aware, that development of geoinformation society should take place at all levels, also by taking into account the needs of potential users of all social groups. What is more, it is important to create geographical services containing data about obstacles of urban infrastructure or the availability of any facilities for the disabled. The availability of the Old Town tourist route in Koszalin will be verified with the help of a person moving in a wheelchair. It will be shown, whether such a person can independently move on this route and the availability of such facilities as historic buildings, restaurants, cash machines and bus stops will be checked along the way, The results of the analysis are presented in the form of the map website.

Received 2.09.2016 Accepted 9.01.2017 Published 30.03.2017


physical disabilities; GIS; geoportal; geoinformation

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