Comparison of the travel time availability determined with the use of various web services

Krzysztof Pokonieczny
ORCID: 0000-0001-9114-5317
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Joanna Tomala
ORCID: 0000-0001-6967-8934
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Albina Mościcka
ORCID: 0000-0003-4673-3720
Military University of Technology in Warsaw
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


The Internet offers many various public transport route planners. The paper presents a comparison of the availability time of the National Library in Warsaw, from any place in the city, as determined on the basis of data obtained by the two most popular web services that calculates travel time for public transport: and Google Maps. Although both services use the same data provided by the ZTM, the applied algorithms, ways of processing and calculating travel times are different. The study took into account the journey by public transport at two different times: at morning and afternoon rush hours. Data have been obtained automatically with the 1x1-kilometer grid. Excluded areas were also taken into consideration. The data were interpolated using the IDW interpolation method. This is the best method for processing such kind of data. As the result of the accuracy analysis, performed with the use of independent checkpoints, absolute errors have been calculated for both services. Their values do not exceed 4 minutes.
The paper presents the maps of time accessibility of the National Library in Warsaw for the data obtained from each of the tested web services and visualizations of differences between them. The paper attempts to interpret these differences and to assess the reliability and usability and Google Maps from a user perspective - the ZTM passenger.

Received 28.11.2016 Accepted 20.12.2016 Published 30.03.2017


travel time maps; routing; public transport; IDW method

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