Classification of spatial boundaries in the management of environmental information

Ryszard Kozakiewicz
ORCID: 0000-0002-9389-9611
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Management and Protection of Environment


The paper presents a proposal of spatial boundaries classification for the purpose of spatial information systems improvement. The development of a multilayer, interoperable SIS increases the requirements for the correct, comprehensive description of presented objects and phenomena. GIS vector layers are usually built based on the coordinates of the boundary points. For the correct interpretation of information it is necessary to add metadata defining not only the contractor and the accuracy of the borderline, but also the nature and method of determining the border. Division of borders into three types is proposed: “established”, “interpreted” and “negotiable”. The main purpose of introducing this classification is to increase the accuracy of the process of interpretation of environmental data, particularly during the semi-automatic and automatic spatial analysis.

Received 22.08.2016 Accepted 29.11.2016 Published 30.03.2017


GIS; spatial boundary; classification of boundaries; spatial analyses

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