Evaluation of cartographic presentation of MOBINAV, the inland mobile navigation system

Izabela Bodus-Olkowska
ORCID: 0000-0003-4366-0116
Marine Technology Ltd., Szczecin

Grzegorz Zaniewicz
ORCID: 0000-0001-7942-3644
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics

Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka
ORCID: 0000-0002-7489-8437
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


Almost every day, anyone who has a smartphone, supports himself by the web map applications, which in co-operation with a built-in GPS module, enables easy location of objects, route planning or navigation to a specific destination. The MOBINAV application is one of the applications dedicated to conduct the navigation on inland waters, primarily by recreational of users. Comparing to traditional cartography, cartographic message in mobile applications is dynamic and more complicated . The map itself is changing under the influence of several factors, depending on users and users' requirements and/or under the influence of events generated during conducting the navigation. Basing on available solutions applied in car or pedestrian navigation systems, the authors of MOBINAV system developed a cartographic model of MOBINAV system. The requirements of users, received on the basis of the relevant questionnaire, were also taken into consideration. MOBINAV model assumes two cartographic presentations for two types of devices: smartphone/tablet and HUD. In the first case, a map is presented with all its components and visualization for HUD contains the route objects, as the main element of the cartographic message. The cartographic message of MOBINAV application should be understood as the logic content of a map, which is the selection of objects visualized on the map (geocomposition) for particular users and at an appropriate scale; and a logical system of signs and symbols – designing a system of signs and symbols representing point objects, assigning specific colours and styles, in strong correlation with the principles of isomorphism of form and content. Efficiency, functionality and usability of the cartographic model of MOBINAV system, were verified by potential users of the application via an online questionnaire. The results allowed for a full assessment of the cartographic model, to draw conclusions and to plan the further development and improvement of MOBINAV cartographic message.

Received 24.11.2016 Accepted 22.12.2016 Published 30.03.2017


inland navigation; mobile navigation; mobile cartography; cartographic presentation

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