Identification of points of former triangulation networks in Ostrowiec county

Piotr Banasik
ORCID: 0000-0002-3604-4019
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering

Kazimierz Bujakowski
ORCID: 0000-0001-8905-1389
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering


The contemporary basic horizontal geodetic network in Poland consist of points whose positions in the European reference system has been set with the use of GNSS satellite techniques. Previous horizontal networks (starting from the mid-nineteenth century) were created using angular and linear measurements in triangulation networks. Despite the great differences between the former and the present networks, it is worth noting that some points of modern networks the latter are the points of previously established networks. These points are characterized by a long-term continuity of geodetic use.
This study is an attempt to present ways of identification of such points. It is presented using the example of the Ostrowiec county. The analysis of old and new geodetic networks showed that in several cases positions of geodetic points had not changed since the beginning of their existence. These points are usually located on church towers but also some of them are mounted on the ground.
Points were identified in three steps: by an approximate topographical identification, reduction of ellipsoidal coordinates from the former reference ellipsoid to the ETRF’89, Gauss-Krüger x, y coordinate transformation and XYZ coordinate transformation as a control. As a result, it was possible to identify five points of the former triangulation network in the the Ostrowiec county which positions have not changed for almost 200 years. One of them is included in the POLREF network, being one of the first Polish geodetic networks measured by satellite technology.
The method of identification of points of former geodetic control networks presented in this paper may be utilised in other areas where similar geodetic data exists.

Received 9.12.2016 Accepted 17.01.2017 Published 30.03.2017


triangulation network; geodetic control; coordinate transformation

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