Determining the conceptual resolution of a data set

Bartłomiej Bielawski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography


Actually the way of determining a data set resolution by an equivalent scale seems to be insufficient. In the author’s opinion, there is a way to describe a data set resolution based upon the concepts of the ISO 19100 series of Geographic Information Quality Standards, the ISO 19761 COSMIC Measurement Standard and the software and system engineering (ISO 20926), as well as the base concepts of the axiomatic theory of knowledge. The proposal allows to calculate only one aspect of data density – the conceptual resolution. In practice it concerns datasets defined on the PIM level (Platform Independent Model) according to the Model Driven Approach - MDA).
The most important element of the proposed method is to identify the smallest information portion (atomic property) coded in the conceptual schema expressed by the UML class diagram. The key of identifying is to understand information given by the application schema. In this paper the author proposes a set of rules to identify the atomic property in the application schema. Based upon identified atomic properties the author proposes the way to calculate the conceptual resolution of the application schema.


application schema; UML; IFPUG; atomic property

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