Shadow modelling in urban areas

Michał Brach
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry

Joanna Stępniak
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry


Light and solar radiation are the factors which have a big impact on the design process of the human environment. Providing proper lighting for open spaces and households requires considering phenomenon of shading. It is particularly important in urban areas, where the high density of housing limits access to sunlight. Nowadays the man can predict place and time of the shadow by using computer tools. This paper presents a shadow modelling method by using data Airborne Laser Scanning data and GIS tools. Simple three dimensions modelling tools were used in order to create virtual buildings models. It was achieved by means of classification of a lidar point cloud and the result of point interpolation expressed by the digital surface model (DSM). A special ArcGIS software application called Sun Shadow Volume was used in order to generate the shadow solid model. The effect of the analysis was the assessment of the impact of buildings on the limiting access to sunlight in selected green sites in Warsaw what was presented in graphical and tabular forms (Fig. 4, Tab. 2). Calculations show that only 11% of the total area meets the requirements of the optimal solar illumination. The results may help to reorganize the land use and land management ways of the analysed areas.


shadow; Geographic Information Systems (GIS); airborne laser scanning

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