Educational offer of geoinformation at the Faculty of Geographical Sciences, University of Lodz of 2015/2016

Iwona Jażdżewska
University of Lodz
Faculty of Geographical Sciences
Institute of Urban Geography and Tourism Studies
Department of Geoinformation


The article presents the development of geoinformation education at the Faculty of Geographical Sciences at the University of Lodz and the educational offer of the faculty concerning GIS-related subjects in the year 2015/2016, which was analysed based on: schedules for majors at the WNG UŁ, the learning outcomes concerning GIS usage, current curriculums and consultations with subject coordinators. All curriculums for majors at the WNG UŁ were analysed, namely geography, geomonitoring, spatial economy, tourism and recreation, and geoinformation, according to their size and ECTS points. The diversity of the educational offer was presented based on the outcomes and schedules in the academic year under study. The results have shown that geoinformation has the widest offer of GIS-related subjects, followed by undergraduate spatial economy. Other majors include only a small number of such classes. Only geoinformarion, spatial economy, and tourism and recreation include references to geoinformation in their learning outcomes.


geoinformation; geography; higher education; GIS

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