The simulation model for automated land subdivision in single-housing development

Jan Janusz
University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Architecture
Department of Architecture


The paper presents the research on the algorithm for automated parcel division in single-housing development. It is an element of the original planning support system FAST: The IT tool for the estimation of crucial parameters, evaluation and prediction of residential areas development and performance. The study of reference works aims at presenting the current state of research as well as the potential and prospects for the usage of the algorithm both, in the proposed IT tool and broadly in GIS data processing towards a more complete visualisation and forecast for residential areas. The study assesses strengths and weakness of existing division systems in analytic and implementation phases, particularly using comparative analysis of selected, the most difficult cases. The implemented parcel division algorithm reflects the research method: the translation of the logical conditions included in spatial development guidelines and regulations, as well as additional data (such as the ownership structure, the existing facilities and shapes of lots) into the mathematical description programming language.


parcel subdivision; modelling of spatial development; urban simulation

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