Real estate cadastre within the spatial information infrastructure in Poland

Jerzy Gaździcki
Council for Spatial Information Infrastructure
Polish Association for Spatial Information


The spatial information infrastructure (SII) in Poland is of the cross-sectoral nature and it has been developed according to the SII Act, which transposes the INSPIRE directive to the Polish legislation. The SII Council plays an important role in the cross-sectoral coordination of works; it is the consultative, collegiate body authorised to realise its own initiatives. The paper highlights some issues related to the current activities of the SII Council. The need to support the development within local administration units has been discussed in more details. Following the author's opinion, creation of the SII Point of Consultancy would be highly supportive in this respect; this Point could be, first of all, dedicated to local governments and its task would include:
• consultancy in designing, creation, modernisation and maintenance of regional and local spatial information systems, co-operating within the SII framework,
• sharing standard software packages and know-how in the field of SII,
• popularisation of scientific and technical information concerning the SII,
• promotion of good practices and exemplary solutions in the field of the SII and INSPIRE,
• submission of training and practical sessions for local government officials.
The issue concerning cost and benefit analysis has been also discussed. Considering legal regulations, experiences and opinions presented in the paper, it has been advised that those analyses and other economic works concerning the SII should be limited to selected projects and other activities, which could be sufficiently determined with respect to their feasibility, costs and benefits, management and responsibility for results and their practical use.


spatial information; infrastructure; INSPIRE; land governance

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