The application of ArcGIS software to analyze cameras visibility in monitoring systems

Ewa Dębińska
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Demartment of Geomatics

Sebastian Zaleski
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering


The Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) have been used in Poland for over 40 years. Initially it was used in places with the high rate of petty crime. Currently, it is difficult to find a spot in public space, which is not monitored. Monitoring is used by public institutions, road administrations, residential communities or private landlords.
However, if monitoring is to be effective, a thorough analysis of camera locations at the design stage is required. Using advanced GIS tools, and a camera of specified parameters such as the height above the ground, the slope of the upper and bottom limits of visibility axes, the camera maximum visibility range, we are able to determine areas visible for the device.
The paper presents the possibility of using ArcGIS software to analyze visibility of industrial cameras for the planned monitoring system. The work was performed in two ways: for 2D raster data and for 3D vector data. A tool, constructed for the needs of automatic determination of visible areas was presented. Advantages and disadvantages of each solution, as well as the final results for both methods were presented. A hybrid model, including an operational scheme for designing a housing estate monitoring system was also proposed.


viewshed analysis; camera location; monitoring

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