A map in the geoinformatics system of port surveillance

Jacek Łubczonek
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


The paper presents the development of maps for geoinformatics port security system. This process is discussed in a broader sense, including the creation of a dedicated geoinformatics system. It was related to map creation in relation to development of a map module. In the realized project the map module consisted of three main applications: visualization of 2D maps, 3D maps visualization and applications for geodata elaboration. The created spatial database and the application for visualization of maps created an appropriate system for imaging the spatial information, which, in this case, was cartographic content. The paper also discusses main issues related to the development of a map module and its final implementation in the form of an operating work station. On the basis of the project it can be stated that the main problems were related to development of applications for visualization of 3D maps.


digital map; port surveillance; geoinformatics system

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