The concept of cartographic presentation model expansion in a mobile navigation system for inland waters

Witold Kazimierski
Marine Technology Ltd

Izabela Bodus-Olkowska
Marine Technology Ltd

Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics

Grzegorz Zaniewicz
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


The paper presents issues related to designing cartographic presentation in a mobile navigational system for inland waters. One of the key aspects of the designed system is a model of mobile cartographic presentation. The assumed base for deliberations was a methodology known from literature, which defines a mobile cartographic model as a set of dynamically changing geocompositions. As a result of research works it was proposed to modify the base model for the needs of the particular inland waters navigational system. The analysis covered, first of all, functional requirements for the system, but also initial design of the interface, the data exchange model in the system, the database, as well as technical aspects of final solutions.
The paper presents the analysis results, as well as the new model designed for mobile cartographic presentation. Those elements of the model, which are essentially modifying the base model, adjusting it to the required solution, were emphasized, giving the justification for its introduction. In the latter part of the paper, technological aspects of the model implementation are presented, as it is planned for the next tasks of the project.


mobile navigation; cartographic presentation model; inland shipping; mobile cartography

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