Assessment of society involvement in creation of spatial data in Poland using the example of the OpenStreetMap project

Sylwia Marczak
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems


The article presents the phenomenon of spatial data acquisition by non-professionals using the example of the OpenStreetMap project. Thanks to Web 2.0 technology the main creators of this web service are its users. An increased interest in geographic information has been observed recently. It contributed to the creation of the term "volunteered geographic information" (VGI), which should be understood as the spatial data acquired by Internet users. The phenomenon, described only in foreign literature, is becoming increasingly important also in Poland. The article assesses the growth of content and quality of spatial data from the OpenStreetMap project in the period 2014-2015, and compares the level of detail and the amount of data obtained in relation to territorial division units of the country. On the basis of the results commitment of Polish society to the creation of spatial data in different parts of Poland was concluded. In addition, OpenStreetMap data was compared with BDOT10k and BDOO, the spatial datasets included in the Polish spatial data infrastructure.


volunteered geographic information; information society; Geographic Information System; topographic data

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