Using point clouds from laser scanning for revising particular objects in the forest digital map database

Mariusz Ciesielski
Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary

Radomir Bałazy
Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary

Krzysztof Mitelsztedt
Forest Research Institute, Sękocin Stary

Tomasz Zawiła-Niedźwiecki
State Forests National Forest Holding, Warszawa


The aim of the presented studies was to determine the ability to detect buildings in forest areas on the basis of airborne laser scanning data. Moreover, the usefulness of this data for updating selected items of the FDM has been evaluated.
In this study forest areas with a 100 m buffer zone have been analyzed, including twelve mountain forest districts, grouped in three research areas located in the Sudety and the Beskidy Mountains.
Using LiDAR data 515 buildings have been detected which represents 89.2% of all buildings in the vector layer of the digital forest map. In particular research areas the detection accuracy reached to 80.5%, 92.4%, 91.2%.
As a result of the study it can be concluded that the airborne laser scanning data may be helpful in updating the selected layers of the digital maps of forest, containing information of forest engineering. Existing building detection algorithms are not error-free, so further research should be conducted to improve the accuracy of analyzes.


airborne laser scanning; forestry; forest digital map; forest geomatics

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