Project of geoservices for beekeepers with the use of the MDA methodology

Adam Potocki
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy

Elżbieta Bielecka
Military University of Technology
Faculty of Land Engineering and Geodesy


There is a need to create websites for sharing information among people with similar interests. To this group belong beekeepers, for whom selection of the apiary location is extremely important. The article presents the project of a geoinformation service for beekeepers, which was elaborated in accordance with the MDA methodology. On the basis of users' expectations the functional scope of the service was presented in the form of use case diagrams. Activity diagrams, the conceptual model (PIM) and the logical model (PSM) were developed using UML notation. The general architecture of the system was also described. A prototype version of geoservices for beekeepers was developed on the basis of ESRI software. An important assumption of the service was the clarity of the user interface and automation of many processes.


geoservices for beekeepers; social network; MDA methodology

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