Reflections on development intensity in respect of the spatial planning practice and the potential of the GIS technology

Anna Michalik
Urbaneo, Olsztyn

Daniel Załuski
Gdańsk University of Technology
Faculty of Architecture

Agnieszka Zwirowicz-Rutkowska
University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Faculty of Geodesy, Geospatial and Civil Engineering


The article aims to indicate the necessity for developing a unified definition and method of determining development intensity for the purpose of the spatial planning practice. The definition of development intensity specified in the amended Spatial Planning and Development Act serves as a point of reference in relation to the definitions given by other sources. The development intensity is a parameter which inflicts the most significant impact on space. Proper determination of this index allows for retaining or creating spatial order. The difficulties with defining, calculating, and interpreting the development intensity may result in social conflicts. The incorrect determination of the analysed index may also cause financial and legal issues. Following the strategy of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development, it may be predicted that the obligation will be introduced to develop planning studies as GIS databases and to publish them using spatial data services. The result of changes in developing drawings for local plans will be the necessity to use catalogues with specific indices. Difficulties may arise not only from the nomenclature of individual parameters but, more importantly, from the methods of calculating them. The authors believe there is dire need for standardising the scope of data and the method of storing it in spatial databases for the purpose of calculating development intensity. The procedure proposed by the authors for reinforcing the process of calculating development intensity has been divided into three parts. The urban planner, as the person tasked with realising local plans, makes the key decisions and inputs the appropriate data. The GIS software automates certain activities and the module for calculating the development intensity makes it possible to take relevant actions. The result of the proposed procedure is a spatial database enriched with information about the current development intensity, the development intensity specified in the plan, and the verification of the current index against the one given in the plan.


spatial planning; development intensity; GIS; spatial database; standardization

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