GeoMedia Enterprise Intelligence – new applications of cartographic methodology in multicriteria spatial data analysis

Robert Olszewski
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography

Anna Fiedukowicz
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography


The Cartography Department of Geodesy and Cartography Faculty of Warsaw University of Technology, in collaboration with Intergraph Poland Sp. z o. o. and Wroclaw Institute of Spatial Information and Artificial Intelligence works on the subject of „Development and implementation of innovative technology GeoMedia Enterprise Intelligence in multicriteria spatial data analysis in both desktop and Web environment” This R&D project is funded by the Innovative Economy Operational Programme EU in Poland. Within the framework of this cooperation it became possible to implement new algorithms as well as to extend the existing ones (touching most of the spatial aspects to be included in the analysis) which were developed in the Cartography Department.
The authors intend to obtain added value by combining a number of spatial statistics analyses, enriched by cartographic visualizations, into a purposeful workflow. The algorithms included in the workflow cover among others methods of data preprocessing, including data reduction (aggregation and reducts) as well as number of classical statistical methods enriched by the local approach and spatial neighborhood.


spatial data mining; correlation; regression; spatial statistics; spatial econometry