The application of RDF datasets for spatiotemporal modeling in geoinformatics

Jaromar Łukowicz
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Adam Iwaniak
Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Science
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Geodesy
Institute of Geodesy and Geoinformatics


The crucial challenge for spatial development is proper description of phenomena occurring in real space and forecasting their future state. We need systems for gathering and organizing data describing the state of space in its dynamic form. Semantic Web technologies could be considered as promising tools to acquire such an aim. Among them, RDF graphs in the form of Linked Data and ontologies (in the form of taxonomic as well as axiomatic ontologies) seem to be very useful for such purpose. Presentation of spatial and temporal reference of reflected real objects can be performed by direct object description and by exposing spatiotemporal context of information about object from which this information was retrieved. First approach is related to data modeling, second to metadata modeling. The authors present the structure of RDF Datasets which makes it possible to combine both models in a coherent system. The joint system makes it possible to reuse common tools for searching of resources using metadata, and then for exploration and processing of the spatial data found. In addition, such approach gives us a chance to fill the gaps in retrieved data, referring to duration or location of objects, through the information contained in metadata.


ontologies; RDF datasets; named graphs; formal ontologies; spatiotemporal model

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