Simulations of changes in land cover and land use with application of agent-based model

Katarzyna Giełda-Pinas
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Department of Geoecology


Agent-based modeling is an example of geomodeling based on spatial data, i.e. the data connected with geographic information systems. Using agent-based modeling makes it possible to simulate functioning of natural systems, social systems or coupled human and natural systems (CHANS). ABM approach is one of the best-adapted methods for modeling coupled social-natural systems due to its characteristic elements – agents. When a system is reflected in the model it is built of objects and elements placed in the model space. A key role in the whole process is played by agents - individual decision-making model entities.
The agent-based model developed for this paper is created to simulate changes in land use and land cover and to show the environmental effects of this process, which is one of the most important synthetic indicators in the geographical environment. The model developed can be used for different space scales and it based on the process in which farmers take action participation in selected packages of Agri-environmental Programme 2007-2013, which require them to strictly defined environmental activities. The model allows to simulate different scenarios of implemented decision role, thereby resulting in different, both real and abstract, configurations of land use and land cover patterns. This way of modeling is especially useful in the context of CHANS. It can serve as a tool in supporting decision-making processes, in predicting the environmental changes and development, spatial planning and environmental impact assessment.


agent-based modeling; geographical information systems (GIS); land cover and land use changes (LUCC); coupled human and natural systems (CHANS); sustainable agriculture

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