The proposal for algorithms to integrate various spatial data in Mobil Inland Navigation System

Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics

Witold Kazimierski
Marine Technology Ltd

Maciej Marek
Marine Technology Ltd


In the paper, it is proposed to develop a spatial data exchange format for inland shipping mobile navigation - MObinav Data Exchange Format (MODEF). It’s specification will be given in the form of application scheme in XML. It is assumed that data in this format will be created automatically from input data. Main sources for the system will be Inland electronic navigational chart (IENC), topographic data base BDOT10k, database of Vmap level 2 and publicly available data covered by open source project Open Street Map. The maps will be prepared on server and then sent to mobile devices.
Implementation of integrated spatial data model means exact specification of required data format MODEF and precise description of import algorithms from sources. The rules will be defined covering spatial and attributes aspects, describing which objects from particular layers will be imported. Additionally, attribute mapping and resulting data validation will be provided. Thus, preparing data in MODEF format covers four steps, namely importing source data to PostgreSQL/PostGIS database, processing and validation of data, projection of source tables to MODEF standard and export of final data to GML format.
The description of all four steps is given both in theoretical and practical depiction including real examples. Thus, after presenting the concept of data integration in the system and the methodology of data gathering (as import algorithms), implementation of elaborated model in practice is also given.


model of spatial data; mobile navigation; spatial data integration; IENC

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