Converting a 2D digital base map to a 3D database for visualisation and spatial analysis of underground utilities

Radosław Mróz
City Hall of the Capital City of Warsaw
Department of Geodesy and Cadastre

Aleksandra Wiśniewska

Anna Fijałkowska
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography


The need to perform 3D spatial analyses, with consideration of elevation co-ordinates, has been occurring with increasing frequency. The INSPIRE guidelines also contain recommendations to store 3D data concerning locations of objects. In the case of the base map such recommendations are of high practical importance, in particular in relation to layers of underground utilities. Breakdowns or damages of underground networks happen very often and it is difficult to design new connections, in particular within the areas characterised by the high level of investments. Therefore, utilisation of tools, which allow to check the designed location of networks, or to eliminate possible conflicts with existing underground objects, is highly justified.
The objective of research works was to test the possibility of 3D visualisation of layers of the digital base map (stored at the Geodetic and Cartographic Documentation Centre – PODGiK in Warszawa) in order to develop the 2D into 3D data conversion model and to automate such data processing. The second part of the paper presents how the 3D database of underground utilities may be used to settle the designed locations of power supply network connections. Selected layers of the base map were used as the input data and the final result was the 3D visualisation of location of particular underground utilities networks.


2D into 3D conversion; underground utilities; 3D spatial analysis

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