Model of parcels aggregation: preliminary results

Kamil Grudzień
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics

Norbert Kurpiel
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


Fragmentation of agricultural land parcels adversely affects agricultural economy, environmental protection and spatial planning. Aggregation of agricultural land parcels into a larger complex is an expensive, time-consuming and labour-intensive project. This paper describes the process of semi-automatic simplification of the structure of agricultural land parcels. Two approaches to the solution of this problem are presented. In the first one, the method of grouping agricultural land parcels based on their raster representation is presented. In this method, information about the owner and calculated value of area was assigned to each pixel. The second approach is based on the vector representation. This paper also presents the issues of distribution of newly created parcels, their access to the existing road network, creating new access roads and verification of the results obtained. Implementations of these methods were performed in Python software environment. The results of the test data proved usefulness of both methods in solving the problem of simplifying the structure of agricultural parcels.


spatial data processing; land consolidation; GIS

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