Use of geoinformation by State Fire Service

Wiktor Gawroński
The Main School of Fire Service
Faculty of Civil Safety Engineering

Karolina Tyrańska-Wizner
The Main School of Fire Service
Faculty of Civil Safety Engineering


All negative events which require the intervention of the State Fire Service (SFS) are located in the specific surrounding area. Time to respond and take efficient action requires good knowledge of the terrain, including location of the technical infrastructure such as pipelines or hydrants. The basic source of this knowledge is geoinformation. That is why the role of GIS in SFS activities is becoming more and more visible.
Exchange of information on actual or potential risks and accurate spatial analysis are the basis for rescue operations - these are just some of possible areas that GIS may provide to the emergency services. This paper presents the scope of using geoinformation and GIS as support for SFS activities. The challenge for emergency services, including SFS, is developing the use of information technology to support rescue operations. The problems raised in this paper include current and proposed areas of use of GIS at different management levels of rescue operations as well as in the process of operational planning.
The Main School of Fire Service is the center for scientific research in the field of use of GIS in rescue operations, and perfect place to create and verify new solutions which improve civil safety. The article presents general information about selected projects and the scope of education in the field of GIS.


The Main School of Fire Service; geoinformation; education; research and development projects

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