Problems of road accidents geocoding

Piotr Cichociński
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Geomatics


Geocoding is the process of determining the position of features, expressed by different kinds of geographic identifiers, usually addresses. This is done by comparing the relevant elements of address information with reference material. The basis for effective implementation of geocoding is, on the one hand, right source material, which determines the position of the address, and, on the other hand, precise description of the required location. Particular features, whose positions need to be specified using this method are traffic incidents such as accidents and collisions. Few of them have in fact the position expressed by coordinates. In most cases the location is limited to indication of the nearest address, road chainage, intersection, or even free-form description.
The most easily accessible source of address information in Poland is OpenStreetMap (OSM) – a database that is created on the basis of data collected by volunteers. It is provided free of charge and for any application. One of its elements is address information. In addition, OSM has also the advantage that, unlike most popular mapping portals, it records kilometer posts, placed along roads.
Considering availability of appropriate software and comparability of used algorithms found in the literature, the objective of this study was not to analyze the geocoding process itself, but on the one hand to investigate the availability of relevant reference data for the area of Poland, and on the other hand an attempt to draw attention to the method of recording address information, which is subject to geocoding, with particular emphasis on the location of traffic incidents. It was examined whether because of completely informal description of the location, geocoding in general will be possible to carry out. Methods of geocoding of different forms of description of incident location existing in practice were proposed, and ways to solve problems that arise during geocoding were suggested.


collision; OpenStreetMap; linear reference system; chainage; accident; accidents geocoding

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