Trends in the use of unmanned aerial vehicles in forestry and environmental protection

Paweł Szymański
Warsaw University of Life Science – SGGW
Faculty of Forestry


The paper presents a concept for photos taken from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) to carry out various tasks in the field of nature conservation and forestry. The machine used was a quadrocopter platform with electric motors. UAV control is performed manually by means of RC (Radio Control). The device is equipped with a three-axis gyroscope, accelerometer, compass, GPS, pressure gauge and emergency autopilot. All the control modules provide a high stability in air and partial resistance to the wind (to 7 m/s). The tests were carried out in a sports hall and outside during calm and sunny weather. For the study a remotely controlled non-metric amateur camera was used. The aim of this study was to present applications of UAV as the optimal system for forestry and assessing environment protection. Practical applications tested included viability of natural monuments, assessment the damaged area by game, assessment of defoliation of pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seed stand. Another aspect was the health status assessment of old and young forest. A new method to calculate area damaged by game was proposed as compared to the traditional one used by the Polish Hunting Association. In addition, a system for fire location in real time was presented. All studies brought measurable and positive effects.


UAV; forestry and environmental monitoring; photogrammetry: remote sensing

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