Polish real estate cadastre as the element of INSPIRE

Katarzyna Góźdź
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography

Military Technical Academy
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy

Zenon Parzyński
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography

Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Witold Radzio
Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography


The main objective of this paper is to define the role of Polish real estate cadastre in creating national spatial information infrastructure. This paper includes basic information about the way of functioning of the cadastral system in Poland and its relations with other spatial databases, used for INSPIRE purposes. Moreover, the results of comparative analyses concerning INSPIRE data models for the themes cadastral parcels and buildings and the data model of the land and building register are presented in this paper.
In the authors’ opinion, cadastral datasets will constitute a convenient source for creating INSPIRE data sets for the themes cadastral parcels and buildings after their adjustment in compliance with the conceptual model presented in the Regulation on the land and building register. Furthermore, the authors express opinion that INSPIRE data sets in Poland concerning the above mentioned themes should be created on the basis of the central repository of data sets copies of the land and building register, which will be established while developing Integrated Real Estate Information System.


real estate cadastre; cadastral parcel; building; INSPIRE; spatial information infrastructure

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