Review of possibilities to use spatial analyses in implementation of selected management tasks of a community

Jerzy Chmiel
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography,
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems

Anna Fijałkowska
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography,
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems

Helena Łoś
Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography,
Department of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Systems


Different types of planning and management decisions on local commune level in increasing degree make use of GIS technology and this should positively influence the quality and objectivity of those decisions. , Meaningful increase of spatial data resources created in recent years and their availability, along with other important factors, play a significant role in wider use of GIS applications in this type of processes.
These positive changes are primarily the result of wider implementation of the INSPIRE Directive, specific initiatives in this field, the implementation of projects, and trainings.
In the context of the mentioned GIS applications, spatial analysis are crucial as the main source of information useful for policy makers. Well done analyses based on accordingly selected data can help to understand how to respond to the demands in the decision-making process and to solve problems in a quick and repeatable way, allowing also to generate different scenarios.
The paper presents a general overview of the tasks for a typical commune, including the ones that have a clear spatial context, and then points out how to use spatial analyses in the implementation of selected tasks. The attached examples refer to the categories of analyses that can be performed for the needs of local commune.


spatial analyses; management on commune level

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