Analysis of variants of arc-suscesible case models of mining excavations in view of computer processing

Artur Krawczyk
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Mine Areas Protection, Geoinformatics and Mine Surveying

Rafał Kula
AGH University of Science and Technology
Faculty of Mining Surveying and Environmental Engineering
Department of Mine Areas Protection, Geoinformatics and Mine Surveying


This paper shows 3D mining excavations models of the same arc-susceptible case with different stage of complexity in vector graphics. For creating 3D drawings the data from stationary laser scanning of mining excavation cases in test mine "Sztygarka" in Dąbrowa Górnicza was used. The procedure of creating models was described in detail. Later on, a series of experiments were conducted in order to determine usability of different data models. The experiments consisted in measurement of time to open given vector file by a given application (i.e. loaded from disc and released for edition). The analysis allowed to determine the relation between complexity of the model and the ability to use it to represent many kilometers of a real mine. All of those works ware done with Bentley Systems- MicroStation V8 XM software.


3D model of mining excavations; computer performance; computer graphics

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