The idea of using web services in creating thematic maps based on satellite data

Anna Fiedukowicz
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography

Agata Pillich-Kolipińska
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography
Department of Cartography


Polish geodetic and cartographic service has faced the challenge of edition of thematic maps for a long time. Assumptions of already historical K-3 instruction from the beginning of '80s evolved into the form of currently valid regulation of the Council of Ministers on types of cartographic thematic and special maps. This document has established the edition and provision of ten types of thematic maps by the Surveyor General of Poland.
The recently observed intensive development of spatial data infrastructure nearly imposes solutions based on thematic portals. In such a portal the user (employing the presentation wizard) is able to create individual map out of up-to-date data, including satellite images. However, in view of so defined idea of creating thematic maps, it is necessary to use OGC geospatial Web services.
Edition of simple thematic maps, based on integrated data, may be carried out by the popular view service – WMS (Web Map Service). However, much more functionality can be provided by implementation of transformation services like WPS (Web Processing Service). Its essence is to provide geospatial processes at the client application level. Those processes can be predefined internally in the service, or can be defined externally in the form of dedicated plugins with the help of XML language. This approach allows for application of unique solutions, adjusted to the user needs, as well as for the implementation of the methodology proposed by user itself. Any well defined algorithm, model or algebraic formula, working on spatial data may be understood as a process.
Thereby, WPS enables holistic spatial data modeling, including modeling of the data provided by satellite technologies. The important advantage of the proposed solution is the possibility of services individualization by creation of new and modification of already existing plugins.


web services; satellite data; thematic maps; user-oriented architecture

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