Influence of trees age on spectral characteristics and selected vegetation indices

Paweł Piekarski
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Department of Geoecology

Piotr Dzieszko
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Department of Geoecology


Data obtained by remote sensing (satellite and airborne imaging, laser scanning) provide a lot of information about environment surrounding us that allows to conduct both quantitative and qualitative analyses. This information makes it also possible to differentiate phenomena in time and space. Remote sensing techniques have been already used for dozens of years in environmental research. A good example of the use of information obtained by remote sensing is remote sensing of forested areas.
The area selected by the authors for research was Notecka forest, latitudinally spread in the mesoregion of Kotlina Gorzowska. The forest is one of the largest forest areas in Poland featured with high share of pine stands.
The aim of the research was to determine the differences in spectral characteristics of pine stands at different age in Notecka forest and the impact of the age of these stands on the magnitude of reflection of electromagnetic radiation in different spectral ranges and at different terms of vegetation season. Another aim was to determine relationship between the age of pine stands and the value of selected vegetation indices in these terms of the vegetation season.
Within such a dense forest complex as Notecka forest 100 test areas were selected. The selection criterion was uniform species and age of trees in these areas. Every test area selected was covered with pine stands at defined age. The materials used for analyses were satellite images made by ThematicMapper sensor located on Landsat 5 satellite. The images had spatial resolution on the level of 30m. The images were obtained from different terms of the vegetation season. For analysis, value of radiation reflection was determined for six spectral ranges and spectral characteristics were generated for each test area. Spectral characteristics allowed to determine differences between stands at different age. The value of reflections in individual ranges made it possible to calculate three vegetation indices which served for further analysis. Based on statistical methods, relationship between the age of stands and value of individual vegetation indices were determined as well as differences between the terms of the vegetation season when the satellite images were made.


remote sensing; geographical information system (GIS); vegetation indices

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