Application of GIS in potential flood losses estimation in the context of floodplain management: the case of cities in Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship

Ewa Głosińska
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Socio-Economic Geography and Spatial Management
Department of Physical Planning


The occurrence of floods causes a number of economic, social and ecological losses. The estimation of potential flood losses, in this case concerning material losses, is a part of the flood risk assessment which, in turn, depicts economic consequences of flooding.
Every flood takes place in the geographical space, which can be represented using the Geographic Information System (GIS) spatial data modeling. Therefore, it is worth considering how useful and supportive are GIS methods and techniques in reducing negative consequences of such phenomena. As a hypothesis it can be assumed that GIS methods may be used in the estimation of potential flood losses.
The aim of this paper is to present capabilities of GIS tools in potential flood losses assessment in Poland. In this study, two Polish cities located on the Oder River were taken into consideration: Gryfino and Police. In both cities, changes in potential flood losses were determined based on the land use forms in the floodplain areas. Those comparative analyses were carried out in the years 1996 and 2007.
In order to evaluate flood losses, a procedure specified in the Polish law and concerning the development of flood risk maps was used. As a result, the basic capabilities of the application of GIS tools in assessing flood losses has been determined. The GIS tools that were found to be crucial for: (1) the spatial data (land use, flood extent) and attributes data (e.g. value of assets at risk) integrity, (2) the work automation and creating new GIS tools, models using such applications as the ArcGIS Model Builder, (3) performing complex calculations on spatial data (4) the data symbolization and visualization using e.g. regular tessellation.
The study showed two different land development patterns of flood-prone areas in the cities on the Oder River between 1996 and 2007. While in Gryfino the increase of potential flood losses was noticed as a consequence of the growth of build-in area, in Police the decrease of the invest area was observed, consequently reducing the flood losses.


GIS; potential flood losses; floodplain management

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