Agent-based modeling – modern concept of GIS modeling

Piotr Dzieszko
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Department of Geoecology

Katarzyna Bartkowiak
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Department of Geoecology

Katarzyna Giełda-Pinas
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
Faculty of Geographical and Geological Sciences
Institute of Geoecology and Geoinformation
Department of Geoecology


One of the most prospective bottom-up approaches to modeling of human-environment relations is agent-based modeling (ABM). ABM is a modern technique more and more often used in Geographical Information Science. It is based on entities called agents which can make spatial decisions. They can also exchange information with each other. Moreover, they have attributes which allow to describe their actual state. In classical approach to modeling, all entities are often quite similar. It is possible to create a model with very similar entities within ABM. These entities may behave slightly differently. Agents can have identical attributes and quite different decision rules. It allows a user to apply randomness in a model which is really crucial in environmental studies. ABM and simulation can be traced to investigations into complex adaptive systems, the evolution of cooperation and artificial life. Unlike other modeling approaches, ABM begins and ends with the agent’s perspective. The application of ABM to simulating dynamics within GIS has seen a considerable increase over the last decade. Both agents and decisions they make have spatial reference. So linking AMB with GIS is a natural consequence of these two techniques development. ABM is normally a very useful decision making process, in extreme events simulation, forecasting the environment development, spatial planning, and environmental impact assessment.
In this paper. possibilities of the use of ABM were presented. ABM is a modern research technique within GIS. Most important features of ABM were described as well as well-known software platforms and toolsets for agent-based model creating. Finally, information when the ABM can be especially useful in research work and how to select the best system which will fit the standards of our model was provided.


agent-based modelling; geographical information systems; geomodeling

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