Possibilities to integrate photogrammetric data for selected spatial analyses

Agnieszka Turek
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography

Jakub Markiewicz
Warsaw University of Technology
Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography


This paper presents the experience related to the possibility of photogrammetric data integration for spatial development and urban studies. In the case study of the Warsaw district Wola data integration was accomplished using ArcGIS software, which allows to perform spatial analysis, including 3D. The basic analyses, which are necessary for spatial management, were performed i.e visibility analysis, land cover analysis and the analysis of existing land functions. The purpose of the study was to select and determine the indicators necessary to assess the condition of the existing land management and to identify the opportunities for development of the tested area. The following data sources were used: airborne laser scanning, airborne and ground-based images. The process included filtration of data, creation of buildings models at LOD1-LOD2 level, processing, spatial analysis and final integration of data in ArcGIS. Furthermore, a realistic representation of the topographic surface was also created.


data integration; photogrammetric data; spatial management; spatial analyses; GIS

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