Adjustment of PIG-PIB metadata profile to obligatory standards including multilingualism

Krystyna Michałowska
University of Agriculture in Krakow
Faculty of Environmental Engineering and Land Surveying

Tomasz Nałęcz
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warsaw

Paulina Kamińska
Polish Geological Institute – National Research Institute, Warsaw


The spatial information infrastructure Act of 4 March 2010 imposes the obligation to create, update and share metadata by the administration bodies responsible for keeping public records that contain data sets indicated in the Act as well as by third parties responsible for the data sets of the infrastructure. Metadata play a special role in the spatial information infrastructure, because they contain information on spatial data sets and services and thus allow to characterize unequivocally the spatial data resource. According to ISO 19115, metadata profile should be understood as a dedicated subset of metadata containing in each case mandatory metadata components that are necessary for correct identification of spatial data resources, being a part of the infrastructure. The scope of metadata can be determined by developing branch metadata profile or by indication as applicable of the existing INSPIRE profile, or by its extension by complementary elements that allow correct identification of spatial data resource.
Under the obligations of the SDI Act, Polish Geological Institute has prepared a PGI metadata profile for geological data sets, in line with the national metadata profile of the geoinformation and the INSPIRE metadata profile . The structure and content of the geological profile has been changing over the years in parallel with the update of the national guidelines as well as INSPIRE Metadata Implementing Rules. The paper presents the process of adapting metadata PGI profile to existing standards, with the multiplicity and the obligatory components specified in both the existing PGI metadata profile and the national profile and to the version 1.2 of the INSPIRE metadata profile. Extension of PGI metadata profile in case of multilingualism is also discussed.


geological profile; metadata; INSPIRE; multilingual metadata

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