Spatial Information Infrastructure in light of implementation experience in Poland

Jerzy Gaździcki
Council for Spatial Information Infrastructure
Polish Association for Spatial Information


In Poland, spatial information infrastructure (SII) goes beyond individual ministries and is developed in accordance with the Act on SII constituting transposition of the INSPIRE Directive. The Council for SII plays an important role in interdepartmental coordination as a collegial opinion-forming body, functions at the Minister of Administration and Digitization, and makes extensive use of its powers to put forward its own initiatives. The paper throws light on some problems connected with current works of the Council of SII. The subject broadly discussed is the need to support development in territorial self-government bodies. In the author’s opinion, an effective form of assistance designed first of all for the needs of territorial self-government bodies would be setting up a Consulting Point on SII with the tasks consisting in:
• providing consultation in matters related to designing, creating, modernization and maintenance of regional and local spatial information systems functioning within SII,
• making available standard packages of software and know-how related to SII,
• dissemination of scientific and technical information about SII,
• promotion of good practices of territorial self-government bodies and model solutions in the area of SII and INSPIRE,
• organization of training courses and internships for employees of territorial self-government bodies.
The problem of cost-benefit analysis was also raised. Taking into account legal provisions, experience and opinions presented in the paper, it was acknowledged that in the scope of SII such analyses are required mostly for well defined projects and other undertakings which can be determined with sufficient accuracy with respect to their feasibility, costs and benefits, management and responsibility for results and their practical implementation.


spatial information; infrastructure; INSPIRE; cost-benefit analysis

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