Visualization and comparative analysis of generalized underwater view obtained with single and multibeam echosounder

Izabela Bodus-Olkowska
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics

Marta Włodarczyk-Sielicka
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics

Andrzej Stateczny
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


Modern hydrographic measurement technologies enable to obtain high-resolution spatial data with the measurement error of a few centimeters. Multibeam echosounder or bathymetric interferometer systems, with a wide view angle of 240 , enable to get high density data of the depth distribution, ensuring 100% coverage of the water area. These parameters allow to produce high quality digital seabottom models. Such models consist of extremely large amount of data, what makes the process of their construction time- and labour-consuming and requires a lot of indirect procedures related to processing and data reduction. For the purpose of obtaining a generalized visualization of the seabottom, the view from the singlebeam echosounder is sufficient. Properly planned measuring profiles ensure sufficient data for building a surface that allows for a full, but generalized interpretation of the depth distribution of the studied water area. This paper presents a comparative analysis of two digital seabottom models constructed of the data recorded by two different hydrographic systems: multibeam and singlebeam echosounder. The subject of the analysis is the data coverage of the bottom and its impact on the entire model of the surface.


hydrography; geoinformatics; visualization; echosounder; digital seabottom model

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Źródła internetowe (dostęp 22.07.2013 r.):

Mapy morskie NOAA.

Specyfikacja techniczna echosondy jednowiązkowej EA400.

Specyfikacja techniczna echosondy wielowiązkowej Reson SEABAT 7101.