The Hydrographic Map of Poland at a scale of 1:10 000 – new thematic reference data for hydrography

Małgorzata Barszczyńska
Institute of Meteorplogy and Water Management – National Research Institute, Krakow Branch

Jaromir Borzuchowski
MGGP SA, Krakow Branch

Danuta Kubacka
Institute of Meteorplogy and Water Management – National Research Institute, Krakow Branch

Piotr Piórkowski
National Water Management Authority

Celina Rataj
Institute of Meteorplogy and Water Management – National Research Institute, Krakow Branch

Tomasz Walczykiewicz
Institute of Meteorplogy and Water Management – National Research Institute, Krakow Branch

Łukasz Woźniak
Institute of Meteorplogy and Water Management – National Research Institute, Krakow Branch


Hydrographic Map of Poland at a scale of 1:10 000 (MPHP10) was developed under the project “IT System of the Country's Protection Against Extreme Hazards (ISOK)”. MPHP10 is a uniform, continuous hydrographic database covering the whole country, including the river basin of the Vistula and the Oder located outside the borders of Poland. MPHP10 comprises geometrical and descriptive characteristics of river systems and their catchments. It is the only source of data on catchment boundaries for Poland.
MPHP10 is a proper basis for creating a variety of thematic maps related to water management. It can assist in carrying out analyses such as economic water balance, water resources assessment, assessment of river flow and, in consequence, simulate changes in the foregoing, caused by climate change or activities in the area of water management. Such an analysis can be performed in selected areas such as water bodies, catchments, water regions and river basins.
Geometric basis of MPHP10 provide data sets adopted from the Database of Topographic Objects (BDOT). This material has been analyzed, reviewed and transformed by hydrographers. Therefore MPHP10 is a proper reference to be used for complementing or improving the geodetic data in the following areas: geographic names of rivers, lakes and artificial reservoirs, courses of streams and rivers, location of springs and estuaries. In such cases, additional consultations between responsible bodies and changes in existing law will be required.
MPHP10 is one of the reference data sets creating the Spatial Information Infrastructure in Poland. By adopting INSPIRE standards, this product has been structured in the same way as hydrographic data sets of other countries in the European Union. A harmonized set of MPHP data will become a part of the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe. This will allow the data from MPHP10 to be combined with data from other countries to create cartographic products and to conduct cross-border and pan-European spatial analysis.


hydrography; spatial data; INSPIRE; MPHP10; ISOK

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