Analysis of selected methods for enhancing the content of sonar images

Jacek Łubczonek
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics

Grzegorz Zaniewicz
Maritime University of Szczecin
Faculty of Navigation
Institute of Geoinformatics


Working with side scan sonar images is similar to aerial photographs or satellite images and it requires a complex process of data processing. This is due to the geometric correction and values correction stored in the individual pixels. The use of sonar data is mainly related to the analysis of visual information. They are a valuable source of information about objects on the sea bottom and their shape. The present sonar sensors allow the operator to record data at a resolution of a few centimetres, which in theory should improve potential interpretation of images. In fact, a smaller raster cell size increases the detail, but single-channel recording reduces the effectiveness of detection and later identification of objects. Therefore, an important element in the interpretation of the sonar information is to improve the quality of its content. This can be done by dedicated functions, which are also used to enhance the quality of aerial photographs or satellite images. The present software provides wide possibilities to correct images, including software dedicated to processing digital photos, GIS software or software dedicated for photogrammetry and remote sensing data processing.
These programs are usually different in terms of functionality and tools available. Their present capabilities provide motivation to analyse selected methods to improve the content of sonar images. In this paper, analyses were directed at the identification of methods to increase the efficiency of detection and later identification of objects. In the studies, dedicated software for sonar data processing and software used in processing other imaging data were included. Research work is financed from the fund for science in years 2011 – 2012.


interpretation of sonar images; image processing; hydrography; sonar

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